Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

SkyNet has launched.

I am officially scared of google...but at the same time love them. I mean they have a cell phone OS. Computer OS. A way to stalk you from Google Maps and latitude. they monitor all communications through Google Mail,Talk,Voice and Wave. NOW they have a built in a Nav system in to Maps to track your every move. Worst of all they have a phone called Android!

I see a T-900 in the works =\

Spike Jonze bitchslap

I dont need to describe this video. Just watch and Enjoy.

Behind the Scenes With Kanye from We Love You So on Vimeo.

Spike Jonze's short film on 808's & heartbrakes is leaked on to the interwebz. Go check it out.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Awesome video

found it on Kanye's blog ages ago but couldn't embed it before so hopefully it works now

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This was going to be my car =( not anymore

Isn't it soo pretty =(

damn the fact that it uses gas like a fat kid need cake. No, thats so over used. ummm how about! like a fish needs that just crap and cheesy...OH OH I GOT ONE! like a Vietnamese prostitute uses a rich white guy on vacation to get a green card....=\ thats just awkward...I'll stop now.


Thats right. I got Beatles Rock Band, and its Fucking awesome. =D I think everyone should own either a Wii or Rock Band/Guitar Hero. Its the best thing to have when people are over and parties (that and its hilarious watching tipsy people try and sing and play drums) thats right new years eve 2009.


The Holy Grail of Free streamable online Television is now coming to a screeching halt! according to Phone Hulu will be charging by the end of the year thats a hung bummer. The site states Hulu Co-owner Chase Carey stated that Hulu will be charging for streaming by the end of this month and that mean via phone or desktop or any form of accessing the site.
In a something sorta good is that some of the content will be free...a very few number of them...probably some really dumb shows...but free...yay...yeah =\

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Beach House!


OH YEAH! they totally signed a CD for me too =)

Beach House!

So since its like Weekend in the city is starting from scratch again in a new city, new school, new underpants...oh you guys didn't need to know that. you now know to much about me, brilliant. Well anyway though I should share pic from my first concert in the "City of nigh" Los Angeles.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(by "we" I mean ME =D)