Saturday, November 14, 2009

Join the Wave

Hello one an all long time since my last post sorry classes and partys have been a bitch but WORRY NOT! i plan to blog a lot more ( yeah i know you all have heard it before but its true this time) you'll see.

so today i reseved in my mail box my invite to Google Wave! for those who dont know what that is its a reinvention of the email and i only have 6 invites left s the first 2 people to comment on this with there name and email address, will be nominated to reseve a Google Wave account and spread the love by adding your 8 friends.

heres a video to show what Wave actually is

Friday, November 6, 2009

Photo mobile! for android bitches =P

The next generation car?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

SkyNet has launched.

I am officially scared of google...but at the same time love them. I mean they have a cell phone OS. Computer OS. A way to stalk you from Google Maps and latitude. they monitor all communications through Google Mail,Talk,Voice and Wave. NOW they have a built in a Nav system in to Maps to track your every move. Worst of all they have a phone called Android!

I see a T-900 in the works =\

Spike Jonze bitchslap

I dont need to describe this video. Just watch and Enjoy.

Behind the Scenes With Kanye from We Love You So on Vimeo.

Spike Jonze's short film on 808's & heartbrakes is leaked on to the interwebz. Go check it out.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Awesome video

found it on Kanye's blog ages ago but couldn't embed it before so hopefully it works now

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This was going to be my car =( not anymore

Isn't it soo pretty =(

damn the fact that it uses gas like a fat kid need cake. No, thats so over used. ummm how about! like a fish needs that just crap and cheesy...OH OH I GOT ONE! like a Vietnamese prostitute uses a rich white guy on vacation to get a green card....=\ thats just awkward...I'll stop now.


Thats right. I got Beatles Rock Band, and its Fucking awesome. =D I think everyone should own either a Wii or Rock Band/Guitar Hero. Its the best thing to have when people are over and parties (that and its hilarious watching tipsy people try and sing and play drums) thats right new years eve 2009.


The Holy Grail of Free streamable online Television is now coming to a screeching halt! according to Phone Hulu will be charging by the end of the year thats a hung bummer. The site states Hulu Co-owner Chase Carey stated that Hulu will be charging for streaming by the end of this month and that mean via phone or desktop or any form of accessing the site.
In a something sorta good is that some of the content will be free...a very few number of them...probably some really dumb shows...but free...yay...yeah =\

Thursday, October 22, 2009

More Beach House!


OH YEAH! they totally signed a CD for me too =)

Beach House!

So since its like Weekend in the city is starting from scratch again in a new city, new school, new underpants...oh you guys didn't need to know that. you now know to much about me, brilliant. Well anyway though I should share pic from my first concert in the "City of nigh" Los Angeles.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009


(by "we" I mean ME =D)

Monday, April 27, 2009

L.A. Woman

took this pic on the way to the airport =( now sad 
Day 3

so for day 3 of Rishabh's Amazing Spectacular Adventure Through Los Angules With Sidekick Sara "viva la mexican" Kline. that should sooo be a movie title! and since Brad Pitt is obsessed with long movie titles i think he should play Sara!!! that would awesome!!! so the last day all i did was hang with sara and we went around LA which was nice and sad =( 


after recently playing with my friends  itouch and going OMG!!!!! thats soo much fun....i have decided to trade in my  Blackberry Bold for a iphone....laught and mock if you will but i think its freakin awesome!!!! plus i'll be like one of 3 people who still have an iphone =D

Monday, April 20, 2009

just so you guys know

there is a new post of "10 things to do when your bored in flex" which is below the mad over doughnuts post =) just fyi 

Inside Brian Chanen

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Movie Review: I Love You, Man

I Love You, Man 

OMG!! this was my favorite movie of the last 6 months!. this movie is like every friendship I ever had (mitul a.k.a dudes minoods a.a.k.a bro Montana) for shrenik =P. Right so the movie is about a guy who is looking for a best man for his wedding cuz he has always been a girl friend guy and not a bro kinda guy. And any movie with Jason segle and Paul Rudd is like a giving funny ass movie of a simple world phenomenon known as the "bromarage" a def must watch if it ever comes out her or if you leave the country you should watch. plus you have jason seagal revealing the inner realm of his jerk-off station and paul rubb "SLAP-N-THA-BASS!" in a Irish Jamaica accent. 

Everyone Wants Audrey Hepburn

Okay, dont even try and deny it. Everyone loves Audrey Hepburn. shes beautiful, an amazing actress, and very classy =P. Due to recent conversation with Kushi and the plain trip to LA and back where i watched breakfast at Tiffany's twice =P i have come to the conclusion that every girls wishes to be as classy and awesome as Ms. Hepburn. And every guy wants an Audrey Hepburn....DO YOU BLAME US!? shes amazing =P 

L.A Woman pt.2

Day 2
my second day in L to the A (yes i am a dork) started with me waking up at 6 cuz i was jet! and the watching the greatest show ever!!! HOME IMPROVEMENT!!! omg! who doesn't love this show!? i mean its awesome! =P. Right back to L.A. so after that sara visited me after her class and was very I'm pressed the my sorta shitty hotel room.

its a sorta two level hotel room where you sleep up and everything else is on the bottom its like a little loft but not as nice =P

left simran a note =P cuz shes jealous 

<--- Santa Monica Promenade
then we bussed it to the Santa Monica Promenade 

then we shopped around checking out urban (of course) forever 21 (cuz sara wanted to) a basement store where simran and lindseh should go wasteland and a arts and crafts store. Oh and went to a puzzle store to get presents for people. 
at the basement store 
puzzle store (on the phone with simran)
sara pretending to be mukul at urban
best sticker ever!!!

chick glasses at Forever 21 =P 
Shades and shades =P

out side of the Starbucks is a shop called the little piggy wear cotton=P

so at urban we found this book called "Position Of The Day" so it was all he sexual positions of each day. we went through our birthdays and found the position of our birthdays =P 

and after that was my first every apartment party =D it was awesome =P (don't wish to comment further) 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

LA Woman!!!

HELLO one and all! so for those of you that didn't know i spontaneously went off to LA for 4 days =) here is the low down on how the trip was 
Day 1: The Food
So day one of was spent in getting to the hotel and checking in and all that non sense and then mister Amit batta and lady friend Katie came to pick me, and take me to the greatest thing i have ever tasted =|. Amit has rambled on and on and on about this place for 4 years and this is the first time i have ever eaten it...they call it In-N-Out...i call it home Sara joined there=)
 at this point i had eaten 2 double doubles (1 double double consists of 2 very amazing patties with lettuce, gherkins, onions and cheese and the highly confidential secret sauce) there for i ate 4 large pieces of patties =D 


we went to this place that spsialises in ice cream sandwhices which cookie. so you choose a cookie and and ice cream of your choise and they turn it in to a ice cream sandwhich =D i must admit I made a rubbish choise of white chocolate chip cookie with coockie dough ice cream with a chocolate chip cookie on top...was too cookie ish =\ but other wise its good (apparently) 

after we went around to this novelty show and hit an urban outfitters after which was awesome fun =) 

at the novelty store we found this cup that said Bite Me so i did =) hehe  

FUN!!!! this is how fun every thing is when Simran isn't around 

granpa hat at urban =) 

stay tuned for Day 2 updates =D

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


alas it is only avalibal in US, Canada and UK =( 
but heres a look at what you can do on here 

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are You Mad Over Donuts!?

Mad Over Donuts or better known as M.O.D is probably the best donut chine in Bombay its so amazing you will be ordering a dozen a week =D 

10 things to do when bored in felx!

I realized that most people who are not consumed with work during there flex are bored out of there F-in MIND!!! so i thought these might make your flexes more enjoyable =D 

1. Attemt to get everyone who is in your flex to play always end with every one epic failing or two people tanggled together and looks really...ahem you get what i mean =\

2. HAVE A MOVIE NIGHT...or Flex. Movie Flex. lol and make sure its a disney musical that everyone can  be all like singing along too =P ( i recomend mulan and Toy story 1 and 2)  

3.  Play a sport. bring a tennis ball to school and when in Flex you have a choise to play cricket with your hands or steal some books from doc. Chanen's room and make a mini table tennis court with the books. 

4. Orange juice chuging contest!!! i will admit i have never done this before but it always seemed fun =P 

5. Go to Roy's room and borrow taboo =P its one the greatest games ever!!! 

6. Bring monopoly and play with auctioning =) gets very competitive 

7. hang in the music room =P 

8. open your firends gtalk and mess when them with sexual advances 

9. order pizza (simple but effective) 

10. annoy your fellow felx buddys =P

Awesome Pizza Downtown

This Pizza is Fucking AWESOMEE!!! omg soo good. Best part its not generic and its made compleatly from scrach =)

its next to Not Just Jazz By The Bay and i belive they have some up town too. 

i recomend the Bombay Masala =D 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things are is a children's picture book now turned into a major motion picture. It looks visually spectacular! and musically too ( Arcade Fire - Wake Up) this movie looks like its going to be great make sure you watch it. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i repeat...hate him

i hate how Amit meets all the awesome people =( the gangly pale man in the center is Bradford Cox the brain child behind the criticaly acclamed band Deerhunter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hate This Man

I would earge you all to hate the person standing on your left...for he is a bastard =( who got to meet Ezra Koenig (singer and guitarist of Vampire Weekend).....HATE HIM =( cock face

Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 movies with Christian Bale

i thought i should do a 10 best movies to watch with a specific actor or director every month cuz that would be kinda cool =) 

1. Dark Knight
2. The Prestige 
3. 3:10 To Yuma 
4. The Machinist
5. American Psycho 
6. Rescue Dawn 
7. I'm Not there
8. Reign Of Fire 
9.  Equilibrium 
10. Batman Begins 

New Download Method!

so do to resent up grades and the fact that im to lazy to put whole albums songs up one by one... we have a new Download method.

this is how it works:so what you do is open the link below in a new tab(the link will usually be the album name):  

Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend

Then click on download.

Then click on free user. 

A countdown will begin and then a download button will pop up. Click it and poof it will download.

PS. its a RAR file so it will go fast and you can extract it later =D and Vampire Weekend Cd is up for Simran (poor collage student) 

I love you

OMG this a movie i really really wanna see i mean who doesnt wanna see a movie of a "bromance" with Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. heres the trailer. btw this is soo Me and Mitul. 
i heart movies that use Vampire Weekend and Pixies songs =P


Voxtrot have randomly released a new song! no word on whether its there is an new album in the works but heres the new song: Trepanation Party

NOM of the week =D

Vampire Weekend Are Back!

The amazingly well dressed New York band are back!!!! i can here the Hallelujah hymne already!  apparently (hopfully) there new album comes out by this Fall =D heres there new song White Sky performed on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

its soo good i havent stoped listening to it for 3 days!

This Is the Class of 09 Graduating Speech

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Meet Zoolander/Stefan...soon Stefan will be opening the Stefan Ramakrishnan Center For Kids Who Can't Speak Good....eehhh ...And Wannz Learn To Do Other eeeeehhh Stuff Good Too, we teach you that there's more to life than just being really, really, really Greman/indian.