Sunday, March 29, 2009

Are You Mad Over Donuts!?

Mad Over Donuts or better known as M.O.D is probably the best donut chine in Bombay its so amazing you will be ordering a dozen a week =D 

10 things to do when bored in felx!

I realized that most people who are not consumed with work during there flex are bored out of there F-in MIND!!! so i thought these might make your flexes more enjoyable =D 

1. Attemt to get everyone who is in your flex to play always end with every one epic failing or two people tanggled together and looks really...ahem you get what i mean =\

2. HAVE A MOVIE NIGHT...or Flex. Movie Flex. lol and make sure its a disney musical that everyone can  be all like singing along too =P ( i recomend mulan and Toy story 1 and 2)  

3.  Play a sport. bring a tennis ball to school and when in Flex you have a choise to play cricket with your hands or steal some books from doc. Chanen's room and make a mini table tennis court with the books. 

4. Orange juice chuging contest!!! i will admit i have never done this before but it always seemed fun =P 

5. Go to Roy's room and borrow taboo =P its one the greatest games ever!!! 

6. Bring monopoly and play with auctioning =) gets very competitive 

7. hang in the music room =P 

8. open your firends gtalk and mess when them with sexual advances 

9. order pizza (simple but effective) 

10. annoy your fellow felx buddys =P

Awesome Pizza Downtown

This Pizza is Fucking AWESOMEE!!! omg soo good. Best part its not generic and its made compleatly from scrach =)

its next to Not Just Jazz By The Bay and i belive they have some up town too. 

i recomend the Bombay Masala =D 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where The Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things are is a children's picture book now turned into a major motion picture. It looks visually spectacular! and musically too ( Arcade Fire - Wake Up) this movie looks like its going to be great make sure you watch it. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

i repeat...hate him

i hate how Amit meets all the awesome people =( the gangly pale man in the center is Bradford Cox the brain child behind the criticaly acclamed band Deerhunter.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Hate This Man

I would earge you all to hate the person standing on your left...for he is a bastard =( who got to meet Ezra Koenig (singer and guitarist of Vampire Weekend).....HATE HIM =( cock face

Sunday, March 22, 2009

10 movies with Christian Bale

i thought i should do a 10 best movies to watch with a specific actor or director every month cuz that would be kinda cool =) 

1. Dark Knight
2. The Prestige 
3. 3:10 To Yuma 
4. The Machinist
5. American Psycho 
6. Rescue Dawn 
7. I'm Not there
8. Reign Of Fire 
9.  Equilibrium 
10. Batman Begins 

New Download Method!

so do to resent up grades and the fact that im to lazy to put whole albums songs up one by one... we have a new Download method.

this is how it works:so what you do is open the link below in a new tab(the link will usually be the album name):  

Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend

Then click on download.

Then click on free user. 

A countdown will begin and then a download button will pop up. Click it and poof it will download.

PS. its a RAR file so it will go fast and you can extract it later =D and Vampire Weekend Cd is up for Simran (poor collage student) 

I love you

OMG this a movie i really really wanna see i mean who doesnt wanna see a movie of a "bromance" with Paul Rudd and Jason Segel. heres the trailer. btw this is soo Me and Mitul. 
i heart movies that use Vampire Weekend and Pixies songs =P


Voxtrot have randomly released a new song! no word on whether its there is an new album in the works but heres the new song: Trepanation Party

NOM of the week =D

Vampire Weekend Are Back!

The amazingly well dressed New York band are back!!!! i can here the Hallelujah hymne already!  apparently (hopfully) there new album comes out by this Fall =D heres there new song White Sky performed on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon

its soo good i havent stoped listening to it for 3 days!

This Is the Class of 09 Graduating Speech

no comment


Meet Zoolander/Stefan...soon Stefan will be opening the Stefan Ramakrishnan Center For Kids Who Can't Speak Good....eehhh ...And Wannz Learn To Do Other eeeeehhh Stuff Good Too, we teach you that there's more to life than just being really, really, really Greman/indian.

sheep in the big city

So last week Asher was dropping me and Miel home and randomly Miel screams and laughs about a random sheep...just chillin on the street =P its sheep in the big city  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Up comming album reviews =D

Grizzly Brear: Veckatimest (yes the not that low quality mix)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Its Blitz
The Magnetic Fields: 69 love songs
Wavves: Wavves
Yo La Tengo: And Then Nothing Turned Into Itself Inside-Out

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Apple's 3.0

Last night while bored after getting home from a party went to mac rumours to see what new products they got lined up after the talking shuffle. Since apple usually never just release one thing at a time I knew they had something going on and wouldn't you know it, they're releasing a new OS for the iphones by the 17th get pump apparently there is a a copy past feature and a new home screen...eeee =D
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel

App World

All you Blackberry users get phyched!!!! RIM has announced that they will be opening an application store called App World for RIM users. Although the Apps will be a little more pricey than the Apple App Store where the lowest priced app is 1$ and up App World will be priced at 3$ and up. releasing next month (hopefully) 

Crem Brule =D

Ok so this weekend i had a conversation with the Little One and thought OMG! i should make Creme Brule...but how? then i said in a deeo dramatic voice TO YOUTUBE! and VOILA creme brule =D and i tried it and it work and tastes awesome!!! give it a shot if your bored 

Facebook Personality Disorder

i dont see why Facebook cant just pick a lay out and keep it for at least 2 years...i mean this is the second time they've changed it. I was ok with this the first time but AGAIN! and way to rip off Twitter with the "whats on your mind" instead of a status.

kickin it ol school

Here at WITCITY we (manly i since shrenik is a loser) like to keep it old school some times tech wise today i received this ancient 3rd generation Ipod! as a temporary for Ellie 2.0 (zune) illness...ITS IN BLACK AND WHITE!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT! =D 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Pitchfork Website

Pitchfork have rebooted there website! although i dont think its as convenient as the old site was it has an awesome Apple Itouch add! which interacts with the nav bar its pretty cool 

New Grizzly Bear Material

straight of youtube are live song from Grizzly Bear. Vectatimest is there new album relesing may 2nd 

"Two Weeks"

"While You Wait For The Others"

Monorail Kid

this kid was crawling on his belly around the seats on the table...monorail kid 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

NOM challange

I want people who follow Weekend In The City to NOM one person(or several people =D) and post it as a comment =) 


10 Things To Do When Your Bored In Class

So as most of you know...I usually don't do much in class (or stay in class for the whole 80 mins) i have devised 10 thing to do in class when your bored =) give them a shot next time 

WARNING: make sure you try these thing with the right teacher...other wise your screwed =\ 

1. When the teacher leaves the room. head to the class speakers and plug in your ipod/zune and play dance the following songs: "My Heart Will Go On" - Celine Dion, or "Eye of the Tiger" - Surviver, or The Rocky Theme Song (then prosed to run around the class room pretending to e rocky).    

2. Try to synchronise your class to burst into "Hakuna Matata" during a test 
3. Spontaneously stand up in the middle of class and say " Hi! my name is (insert name here) and I'm a alcoholic)

4. When the teacher is presetting of the projector, send them email's with goofy/random comments such as: HI! =D, OMG im spamin your outlook.

5. When you finish an easy test or quiz by your name write "i am so smrt...S.M.R.T" in large obnoxious letters

6. Ask the teacher a stupid question you already know the answer to and then laugh at him/her so they give you a weird look. for example 

Roy: "So today we'll be learning about vectors."
Rishabh: "Mr. Roy did you say we're learning about vectors today?"
Roy: "yeah i did:
Rishabh: "HAHAHAHAH"

7. Randomly yell to the person sitting next to you "Can you please get your hand off my thigh!"

8. Take a ball to class and start to pass it around the room to other kids when the teacher turns there back to write on the board. try not to drop it and make sure the teacher doesn't notice =P

9. When your friend goes to the bathroom go to his/her computer and send a task from it to you. Then go to your computer and open up Outlook and accept it. Open tasks and continually click on the little check box next to the task....this will spam your Friends inbox until you feel like deleting the task =P 

10.bite people =)

Dark Temptations

Our very own Tarak George apperaded in the AXE dark temptatins ad! look at the resembalnce! 

P.S the girls were photoshoped in =P 

WTF!!! Miley Cyrus hearts Radiohead!!!!!!

so this is worst news i've heard in a long time...Miley Cyrus (who moonlights as a bleach blond fool names Hanna Montana) mentiond on a radio show that she loves Radiohead and is very heart they didnt want to meet her (thank god if they did i have lost all respect for my favorit band) listen to the interview about the "only band i would cry over" said Miley...cheee(thats hindi for ew) 

Kanye on A.I.!?

at the end of last weeks episode of American idol the great Rayan announced that Kanye West will be appering on the show! this could either mean as a performance (most likly" "Heartless") and/or is teaching the contestants how to sing (good luck with that 808's and heartbrakes was ass) 

Watchmen is finally out!!!

Watchmen is finally out!!! the most celebrated graphic novel or all time has finally made its way to the big screen. although there are mix reviews for the movie i think if you have read the novel and understand what it stands for you can appreciate Zack Snyder's vision. th movie will not release in India due to its R rating BUT i will have a bootleg copy soon so if you wish to watch it in a week or 2 ask me and i will have it for you =)

NOM of the week

So during history class Jacob thought it would be a good idea to attempt to send an email through my outlook....this was the end result of that =)

Thursday, March 5, 2009


ok so i know i know i have not updated my blog in 3 days now but this week has been orals and...i kinda sorta havent studied for them yet so as soon as they are done i will have awesome posts =D! aout a vampire weekend, the NOM of the week, 10 things to do when your bored in flex/class,a new Resebalanes picture and Class of 09' superlatives! (the kind that are not so politicaly correct or kind to the other persons feelings =D) STAY TUNED!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WITCITY Wallpapers

i think Weekend In The City needs custom wall papers for people to download....problem only 3 out of 9 City People will actually download them...and thats including me and shrenik (yes hes back on the team) what you think? worth my time or not?

NOM =)

HOLA one and all heres todays NOM! list

Little One 5 time (record!!) 
rishabh twice (teressa went ape shit and NOMed me back =( )
Polly twice
and Simran ( cuz i miss you everytime i put up a NOM list)

i think i should start biting stranger....this list is getting to repetitive...also I encourage others to NOM as well =) 

BUT NOT ME! i will NOM back 

The O.J addicion (continues!!)

do not adjust your computer screens! there is nothing wrong with the color screen...that is a white man and not me or mitul. That White man is Jacob (A.K.A Habs, A.K.A hab bi  bee, A.K.A Hobbit) also note that he is does not like O.J just though he looked goofy. That and i though you guys were getting bored of me and mitul. O.J all the way YEAH!

Weekend In the City Can Tweet

If you havent noticed all ready Weekend In The City has resently created a Twitter Profile and you can view our status or "tweets" on the top left of the blog. you can follow our twitter accout too if you want.

Also notice that we put in a Rotton Tomatos certified fresh movie reviews up as well. Which is pretty awesome =D! 

Anna's amazing food

OMG! anna makes the best Chicken/ Dhan Shak ever!! its soo good if you missed the first one ee sure to stay tuned so you so you dont miss the next time.

even Choksi ate...she looks hungry...and a little dirty =\

Dark Was The Night

Dark Was The Night is an album with various artists ranging from beirut to Tv On The Radio 
its totally worth a listen i will have a link to the alum up shortly dw about that. these songs are all original album only songs so its pretty awesome. 

The Coolest Thing Ever! (only reason i would get an iphone)

this is a performance by The Mentalists' its a cover of "Kids" (originaly y MGMT) so whats so special about this performance you ask? we'll there are no instuments other than your cell phones. Thats right, cell phones using there iphones and apps off the App store. apps used: Ocarina, Retro Synth, Mini Synth, DigiDrummer Lite. 

NOM List

NOM LIST! monday 

shloka "the little one"3 times
shrenik twice 

Monday, March 2, 2009

Lily VS New York times

so you all know how taliods work right? people send in pictres of celebraties and dont ask them permission and rarly pay them for it. So i donno why Lily is freaking out. The New York Times Resetly ran a profile on Lily and then licanced some pics including the one above to OK! magazine. Now Lily is pissed and might try to sue the coveted news paper 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Animal Harmony?

Stolen of Hi My Name Is Mark again (i need to be more original)  so this is what one of marks friends saw on the streets of Cali.....LOOK....LOOK AT THE PICTURE! thats just not right...i mean that goes against everything Tom And Jerry taught me as a child. That Rats and Cats and Dogs just dont get along...i blame this on global warming 


This was taken off Hi My Name Is Mark. OMG! its going to be leader of the Auto Bots Vs. the leader of the US! my moneys on Optomus. Vote Optimus Prime in 2012!

althought they say once you go black you never go back...therefore we America will never have a white presedent again...or a robot presedent

NOM log

Firdays NOM! list 

Rahul 4 times 
Shloka twice 
Soops - left a mark =) 

stay tuned for Mondays NOMs 

Susan's Doughnuts

2 weekends ago we had a board game marathon at Roy's place so Tarak arrived baring gifts from Susan (Tarak's mother) These were the most delicious spectacular home made doughnuts EVER!....just thought i should share that with you guys 

The O.J addiction (We're back!)

YES!!! WE BACK IN FULL FORCE!!! and best of all....NO ITCHY RASH YET! so just an update so far only 3 expect more soon 

good news for people who like bad news

So as you found out in my absance over the weekend, shrenik thought it would be a good idea to claim that Weekend In The City was created by him...not a good idea since he is only a author not even an administrator of the blog what a lork ( LORK (L-OR-K) commonly used term for those who are "Dorks" and "Loser"..Lork) 

I am glad to inform you that Shrenik is no longer appart of the Weekend In The Cty team =D!!!